Well everyone President Macaron(Yes I did that on Purpose LOL!!!) has Bloody done it again...
He's gone and Said That Islam is in "Crisis"?
I think this guys gotta look at himself He looks like he is experiencing Mid-life Crisis
And let's not even Talk about that Hairline of his.
And dont Get me started on how much Hypocrite this guy is, When that digusting, filthy newspaper
Drew pictures of our beloved and Beautiful Prophet Muhammad S.A.W with the most amazing manners,
And a face full of Nur(Light), and Beauty. In disgusting positions doing filthy things.
You would think that any self respecting Leader would stand up for the minority and denounce this filth
Apparently not because this BASTARD!! Im going to call him what he is a BASTARD! FILTHY Human Scum says
something along the lines of: A self respecting head of state has no right to comment on Journalism.
OK Fair enough BASTARD but you know what got me flipping cracking my Head off.
This absolute BOY! this WasteMan starts crying at a Journalist who talks about one of his
Private meetings or some stuff like that. THAT IS THE FRICKING DEFINITON OF HYPOCRISY;
Anyways that was such a laugh and you can search up all this stuff I talk about if you dont believe
Anyway... Moving On...
What I find mad about them Banning the Nikab/Burka, Burkini(Like a Burka Swim Suit?)
AND wearing a Hijab in school like so Women are not allowed to put on more clothes but can take off as
as many as they like...
And the reason this absolute Wasteman who was supposed to be center left is doing all of these
lets face it Radical Far right wing things is because this absolute WASTEMAN! Did literally NOTHING
,NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY, NULL, NADA, NOTHIIING. So now he is trying to do these Radical changes to try and
winnover the Right Wing and as for the actual center-lefters that voted for him
Most of them are not Muslim and Really couldn't care less or even are happy because on the inside they
think "ooh well less Alien's I guess"Unfortunately.
In a nutshell we should pray for our Brothers and Sisters being subject to skyrocketing rates of
of Islamiphobia and Alienation in the Own Streets and Business's aswell as literally being forced
to stop practicing their own religion!!Just got to hope to Allah that this all sorts out soon!
Go check out this video by Smile2jannah super funny, in depth and under ten minutes long